Campus Ministries 2023-2024 Mission Report
by Darrel Lindensmith
Our group from the Dakota Conference was a little smaller than previous years, but wow; what a fruitful 3 weeks. You see most of our team in the picture above. We rented an unused UN School building deep in the refugee camps in Northern Uganda on the Sudanese border. Our work was medical, children’s ministry and mission construction. For 11 days with the doctors and nursing students from the US and Uganda treating the patients. The teams served 707 people and gave away 4099 USD of medications. A collective number of 477 children came to our children’s ministries programs.
Most of the children have lost their Fathers, or they are gone, and children struggle along with their Mothers, Aunts and or Grandmothers. To the right is one of the Bible classes conducted 5 hours each day in the Refugee camp. The Bible school provided Gospel messages and
activities with translation. Children learned about Jesus each day. For those not helping with the children’s Ministry, construction at the mission compound kept everyone else not in the medical very busy.
We want to thank the many churches and individuals who have contributed to the campus
ministries mission program. The young people from the US who come on these missions are blessed with life changing encounters in serving Christ and experiencing cross cultural teamwork with young African Adventists believers.